Be a Part of a Wolf Pack

wolf pack patchMost people know that wolves tend to live and hunt together in packs.  These packs usually have an alpha male who serves as the pack leader, although others may challenge the alpha at any time and, if they defeat him, claim the position of leader themselves.  This idea of a wolf pack has been used to describe a motorcycle club.  The club members ride together and often develop very strong bonds of friendship.

Just like a wolf pack, biker clubs usually have some form of leadership.  Usually the club elects officers to lead the group, including a president, vice-president, and treasurer.  While wolves may physically fight each other for leadership of the pack, bikers are generally a little more civilized.  Biker club positions are elected every few years, so it's possible for unpopular officers to be replaced if the majority of the club agrees with the decision.

Not every biker wants to be a part of a wolf pack, of course.  These people often adopt the term 'lone wolf' to let people know that they're not a member of any group.  Some bikers just don't enjoy the social aspects of being a part of a motorcycle club.

Bikers who do want to ride with others and are part of a great club might want to wear some sew on patches to let others know they're a part of a group.  This fun wolf pack patch with howling wolf is one of the most popular patches out there.  It can be worn in a number of places on a jacket or vest.

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