Creepy Crawly Spiders

Spider Patch Click on the image to buy this patch

Do you love spiders?  Some people do.  They'll go out of their way to save a spider that comes in their home by getting it to crawl into a cup or onto a piece of paper so that they can take it outside and release it.  They'll even do this to poisonous spiders like black widows and brown recluses!  Other people think spiders are horrible and will kill any that they see, especially if the spider is in their house.  

Then, of course, there are the people who are deathly afraid of spiders.  They have arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, and simply cannot stand to see these creatures.  Sometimes, this fear extends to other arachnids such as ticks, mites, and scorpions.  Some people feel faint and scream when they see a spider.  Those with more severe arachnophobia may actually heave a panic attack, difficulty breathing, and even pass out.  Sometimes people will have these symptoms if they see a spider web or even see a realistic drawing or photograph of a spider.

Why do people have this fear of spiders?  No one really knows.  Some scientists theorize that it's evolutionary, we're hardwired to fear things that can hurt or kill us, such as poisonous spiders.  This could also be why some people are afraid of snakes.  There's some evidence, though, that it may be cultural, in some areas, spiders are actually considered a traditional delicacy.

Want to freak out anyone with arachnophobia?  How about putting this Spider Patch on your jacket or vest?  It's one of the biker patches for vest wearers that's sure to send some people running away from you!

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