As Terrorists Kills Washington Plays Politics

ISISJust when you think the nut cases  couldn't be any more deplorable, they surprise us with a new act so despicable it makes Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge seem tame by comparison. The latest atrocity is one that saw as many as 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians beheaded in the name of whatever the heck it is they are trying to accomplish over there. That's 21 more innocent, defenseless people slaughtered because they don't toe the ISIS line. Meanwhile, Washington continues to play politics with the issue. 

Last week Mr. Obama submitted a proposal to the Congress seeking approval to engage the U.S. military in limited action against Terrorists. The proposal put no restrictions on the geographic location of troop movements, thereby allowing our military to chase down the bastards wherever they reside, but it does limit our involvement to three years. In the meantime, Obama continues to authorize minimal air strikes that appear to be doing little to stop the advance of the terrorist group.

How did Congress respond to Obama's proposal? Members on both sides of the aisle criticized it as being too weak to accomplish anything. Rhode Island Senator Jack Reed (D) attacked the plan for creating a timetable while Arizona Republican John McCain said the plan places too many restrictions on the Administration.

Here's a novel idea: why doesn't Congress just declare war on Terrorists and be done with it? A declaration of war unleashes the U.S. military in full force, with no restrictions. If the actions of Terrorists thus far do not constitute acts of war against multiple nations, I don't know what on earth does. But alas, a declaration of war is probably not in the cards. Our politicians in Washington don't have the same kind of resolve our forefathers had.

Egypt and Jordan Stepped Up

As Terrorists have expanded its territory over the last 18 months, it has murdered countless numbers of innocent civilians as a means of striking terror into the hearts of conquered peoples and satisfying the blood lust of its leaders. Along the way, numerous Americans, Brits, Jordanians, Egyptians and others have met an untimely death at the end of a knife or gun barrel. The most remarkable part of many of these deaths is the absolute savagery with which they are carried out.

As Washington drags its feet, even after the death of multiple Americans, Egypt was busy launching air strikes inside of Libya. The Jordanians responded in a similar fashion last month when one of their hostages was killed. That's not to say that the efforts of either country will result in any significant changes, but the fact remains that both of them stood up and did something.

It is important to note that officials in Jordan and Egypt did not wait days or weeks to test the political winds before mounting a response to Terrorists. Within hours of the deaths of their hostages, planes were in the air and bombs were falling. As I write this, Egypt is in the midst of their second round of air strikes. They are actively doing something while the Obama Administration seems to be more in favor of an appeasement strategy similar to that which we saw in the build up to World War II.

World War III Coming

Proof of Obama's complacency was easily observed when he addressed the National Prayer Breakfast on February 15. In his remarks, Obama had the audacity to compare what Terrorists are doing today with what occurred during the Crusades. The truth is, there is no comparison. The Crusades were not the result of Christianity trying to spread its belief system by force. They were a military action intended to remove the Islamic invaders from what is often referred to as the Holy Land.

Second, the actions taken by the Europeans during the Crusades were not the actions of Christianity as a whole. They were the actions of the Roman Catholic Church, an organized political machine that represents only one form of Christianity.

Finally, whether or not one disagrees with the actions of the Roman Catholic Church during the Crusades, that does not justify what Terrorists do today. Slaughtering innocent people in the name of religious zealotry is never okay. Mr. Obama and the U.S. Congress would do well to learn that lesson as quickly as possible. It is time we unleash the full forces of the U.S. military and annihilate these people from the face of the earth. If we don't, World War III could be just around the corner.


Added by Tim Gray on February 21, 2015 It's funny because people still blame Obama not congress
Added by Carl Bartholomew on February 21, 2015 Hey lots blow more money and waste more lives doing the worlds dirty work. It's not like the taxpayers are getting a refund for war. Let these other county's step up. We can give allies intelligence and sell them weaponry to fight. I'd cease all immigration and trade with any country that doesn't condemn ISIS, and lean on the surrounding nations to police their own Region of the World. We've sacrificed enough. And they need to prove themselves to us beyond selling us overpriced oil. The leaders of these countries shit in gold toilets on their super-yachts and have 50 mansions.... Their nations have an air force consisting of "20" F-16's for god sake... They don't even have to have legit security for their Country because the US taxpayer is providing them with a trillion dollar private security force for free. Step up dead beats....
Added by John Cowhig on February 20, 2015 We are not the global police. Our guys have done their share. Other countries have armed forces , let them do the heavy lifting for once .
Added by Hector Villa on February 22, 2015 Umm because our country is Ina recession and we need to stop pushing people around with our military power. That's why. Stop putting our noses in other counties business and maybe the world will actually like and respect us. Why the fuck do you people want to go back to war? Send YOUR son and daughter then. People die you idiots we respond with the same shit when we disagree with a countries laws and values. War.
Added by Michael Boxer on February 21, 2015 4,000 of the US Army's best [ my Alma mater ] are heading to Kuwait the 3rd Brigade 4th Infantry to fight ISIS.
Added by Ronnie Davidson on February 21, 2015 Hitler anyone?
Added by Kevin Spruill on February 22, 2015 riddle me this one... why the hard on to declare war and send more soldiers into harms way? Boko Haram has killed more people... but don't here anything about them in the media. Christians have been massacring Muslims in the CAR for several years... not a word about that. Now suddenly the US MUST declare war? For who? for what?
Added by Hector Villa on February 21, 2015 Let them fight their own battles for once, I dont like sending my bothers and sisters to die for a country not of their own. Certainly if the cause is not worth it. That country needs to get its head out of its ass!
Added by Chris Mercer on February 21, 2015 The "Arsenal of Freedom" is closed.. Our Great Great Great Grandchildren are already broke.
Added by Dalton Harrison on February 22, 2015 Danny Crane, do YOU care about the constitution???? You're the one trying to get the president to break the laws of the constitution by ignoring THE VERY FIRST ARTICLE!!! You don't know jack dick about politics or the constitution. There's POLITICS in war. When we destroy Isis, another extremist militant group will take its place. Its a never ending battle. We may win those battles every time, but at what cost to us taxpayers??? Quit sucking the terrorists dick. You talk like one of those terrorists yourself, having no faith in our leaders YOURE NO BETTER THAN THEY ARE!!
Added by Joe Ward on February 21, 2015 Just figured out a novel idea....wack everyone with a face mask?
Added by Derek Demby on February 22, 2015 Who the f--- is going to pay for it. We run into other counties and spend trillions of dollars while right here at home we cut programs say we don't have money for anything. We have home grown terrorist right here in the USA, mafia MS13 Hells Angles that have been killing for years bs we haven't dropped a single Bomb on their asses. Take care of home let these other countries take care of their own.
Added by Justin Conlee on February 22, 2015 Because that's what isis wants. Stop publicizing them and they will quit their bullshit. For god sacs read a book. Not CNN. Current military service. I hate them more than any of you. But starting a war with people who want only war is like giving a pissed of shark a taste of your own blood. That shark will unleash hell on you.
Added by Anton Frank on February 21, 2015 we should napalm the whole freakin place
Added by No Flex Johnson on February 22, 2015 It makes no sense to declare war win u don't fully understand who or what you are fighting. First they learn how they operate, how they are supplied, how they became what they are already. Then develop a plan .not just respond because you can. Wipe them out today, we would of learned little and a stronger group would then emerge.
Added by Benjamin Maddox on February 20, 2015 America is being run by one of them
Added by Sharon Wexler on February 20, 2015 Read the history of 1930s Germany then tell me we shouldn't unleash he'll on these monsters.
Added by Carson Myers on February 22, 2015 No the hell he hasn't
Added by Abdul Ali on February 21, 2015 The iraq army will never be able to do anything because the have American troops do everything thing for them
Added by Danny Drane on February 21, 2015 the real shame is they still exist with most of the world against them.....only makes sense that odumbo would be protecting them. Jordan will show him how to rid the world of them
Added by Danny Drane on February 21, 2015 would require odumbo to call for war on his terrorist buddies and muslims. he will not allow that, but they can come here, get our benefits, run over our laws, and direct our pos potus.
Added by Raul Padilla on February 21, 2015 Inform yourself before you run your mouth. Our country has been doing quite a bit. Obama has actually sent troops to fight ISIS and we are the ones who have bombed them at least 2000 times...I'm not an Obama lover but stop belittling him. He is one person and one person alone can not do the entired "damage". It takes a group of many...
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