California 'Welfare Queen' Law Not the Problem

Senator Holly MitchellThere is an interesting debate playing out in the California legislature this spring, a debate that will have long-term effects depending on how it is settled. The issue we are referring to is the current fight over whether or not the Golden State's 'welfare queen' law should be put out to pasture. A number of prominent California Democrats think it's time. 

The law, originally passed by Democrats and signed into law more than 20 years ago, places a limit on the amount of benefits a welfare recipient can receive. For example, if a family or single mother adds another child while on welfare, no extra financial compensation is paid to help support that child. The idea is to prevent families from having more children in order to increase their benefits. Makes sense, right?

State Senator Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles) doesn't think so. She called the law a classist, sexist, anti-democratic, anti-child, anti-family policy whose premise did not come to fruition. I think she knows the law prevents her and her colleagues from using the welfare system to purchase more votes.

Unlimited Benefits Create Incentive

Let's play a game, shall we? If I agreed to pay all of your bills, would you continue to get up and go to work every day? Most of you would not. The reason we work is that we have bills. It's as simple as that. Few of us would deal with the hassles of 9 to 5 if we were not compelled to do so financially. The welfare recipient is no different.

Allowing families to arbitrarily increase their welfare benefits by having additional children creates the incentive to perpetuate the cycle of poverty by bearing more children into it. On the other hand, encouraging welfare recipients to get out of poverty by working does two things: it teaches them a work ethic they can pass on to subsequent children and reduces the need to take money from taxpayers to support those who do not work.

The problem with legislators like Holly Mitchell is that politics takes precedent over people. Rather than actually help people overcome poverty, she and others like her want to perpetuate the cycle by giving people what they need to remain in it. This helps no one. In fact, it condemns the poor to generational poverty with no real end in sight.

Limited Benefits Create Incentive

If it is true that unlimited benefits create an incentive to not work, and it is, the opposite is also true. Limiting the benefits welfare recipients can receive creates the incentive to go out and work. If you don't believe me, ask yourself this question: what mother in her right mind would allow a child to starve to death simply because a welfare check was not big enough?

There may be some sick and twisted people who are exceptions to the rule, but the vast majority of parents will do whatever it takes to feed their children. Ultimately, this then leads to the topic of job creation.

Those who argue we need a more robust welfare system do so on the basis that there are not enough jobs to employ the poor. Fair enough. Nevertheless, the answer to the jobs problem is not to create a larger welfare system. It is to figure out why we have a jobs problem and begin addressing it. Wipe out unemployment and you will wipe out poverty.

Get Government out of the Way

The real unemployment rate, when you account for the Bureau of Labor and Statistics' U-3 and U-6 unemployed, is more than 23%. This rate takes into account not only those who are receiving unemployment benefits, but those who are no longer receiving benefits and gave up looking for work a long time ago i.e., welfare recipients.

If you want to lower the real unemployment rate, it's easy: get government out of the way. Remove excessive taxation and regulation that prevents new businesses from starting and existing businesses from expanding. This is good for everyone. It allows those on welfare to start their own companies or go to work for existing companies that now have the money and freedom to grow.

Look at the historical data and you will see a correlation between job growth and a reduction in welfare benefits. Likewise, you will see a direct correlation between lower unemployment and real government efforts to reduce taxes and regulation.

We do not need to repeal the states' various welfare queen laws. What we need is to rein in government so that private economic activity can prosper. That's how you eliminate welfare.


Added by Jesse Kapple on February 25, 2015 Great so i can barely afford to live with my family working a 9-5 but single mom with 6 k ids have a full meal healthcare and money in the pocket must be nice to freeload off of hard working americans
Added by Darwin Walker on February 24, 2015 No so sure this is factual. I thik the bennies keep increasing up to 6 additional dependeants?
Added by Matthew Bode on February 26, 2015 Couldn't agree more. Make it a national law.
Added by Randy Daniels on February 24, 2015 this law makes perfect sense, should be the law in every state!
Added by Liza Loznicka on February 26, 2015 Amen Amen Amennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Added by Ben Jamin on February 26, 2015 Well said
Added by Alfred Martin on February 25, 2015 The federal nor the state government is never supposed to ?secure? our Right to Life by giving us what we need to live. That can't be because it would require the federal government to take other peoples? God given Property Rights away from them. Likewise, someone living at the expense of their neighbor through a public subsidy, expecially one for which they themselves voted, is no less a Villain for letting co-conspirators do the hands-on stealing amid nonsense about "Social Contracts or Civic Responsibilities." One of the biggest problems today is the massive unconstitutional welfare state we have.
Added by Alfred Martin on February 25, 2015 The federal nor the state government is never supposed to ?secure? our Right to Life by giving us what we need to live. That can't be because it would require the federal government to take other peoples? God given Property Rights away from them. Likewise, someone living at the expense of their neighbor through a public subsidy, expecially one for which they themselves voted, is no less a Villain for letting co-conspirators do the hands-on stealing amid nonsense about "Social Contracts or Civic Responsibilities."
Added by Judy Ekdahl on February 25, 2015 we should only support 1 child you want more you support them
Added by Don Potts on February 26, 2015 It is people like Her that continually pander for votes and distort/criticize the solid intent of a law passed by people with far more sense than she will ever have. She mistakenly thinks that she, as a politician, will be in the elite class all her life and will not have to worry about finances and security. What she, because of her inability to see the big picture, does not recognize that all her lies and pandering will come back to bite her in the ass and she will be terminated by the very constituents who elected her.
Added by Billy Cassell on February 26, 2015 If you can't afford to raise them don't have them!
Added by Tom Fallen on February 26, 2015 please, either start digging deeper with your stories or whittle them down to "me no like poors, me think them lazy " followed by a picture of the actual 1980 Era rage poop that you ingested so you could regurgitate this contemporary rage poop. Maybe "investigate" the effects of subsidies on the lack of employment for the these folks on welfare ? It's a lot more money and a lot less return, and looks a lot less like kicking folks when their down ...
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