How Blind is Love Really?

Love is Blind Marriage is An Eye Opener Patch  Read more: Click here to buy the patch

The old saying about love being blind may be true.  Just ask anyone who is married!  Before you get married, especially at the beginning of your relationship, all you can see is how great the other person is.  You're in love, and it seems like she's absolutely perfect in every way.  Then you get married and wow, what an eye opener!  It suddenly seems like everything she does is annoying and irritating, especially if the two of you haven't lived together for a good amount of time.  If you've experienced this, you might want to wear this Love Is Blind Marriage Is An Eye Opener Patch to let all those single men out there know just what they'll be getting in to once they say 'I do'.  You'll find it and other patches for sale at The Cheap Place.

When you're dating, even when you get engaged, you're both still acting as best as you can around each other.  You try not to argue as much act like a gentleman.  She does the same.  But once you're married or you start living together, it's impossible to be on your best behavior all the time.   You'll both start picking up on little irritating things, and habits you were able to ignore suddenly become incredibly annoying.

Pretty much all marriages go like this, and you'll both eventually adjust (or get divorced, one of the two).  Of course, you can also compromise: talk out these issues and come to a solution you can both live with.

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