Soar with A Small Honda Eagle Patch

Wings of Gold Eagle PatchHonda has been building excellent motorcycles since 1955, and they've become the largest motorcycle manufacturer in Japan.  If you ride a Honda and believe your brand is superior to all other bikes (and who doesn't), then you should show off your pride with a few Honda patches.  The Wings of Gold Upwing Eagle Rocker patch will certainly stand out due to its bright colors.

This golden eagle has his wings raised like he's about to take off and soar away.  Underneath him is a rocker patch that reads 'Wings of Gold'.  This patch is meant to go along with their Gold Wing line of motorcycles.  Of course, since it doesn't actually say Honda anywhere on it, even those who like eagles could use it.  The detail on the features and body of the eagle is very nice.  For example, some patches use only one color for the feathers on the wings, but this one uses yellow, gold, and even a bit of brown to make the wings look more realistic.

Honda is a motorcycle company with a lot of history behind it, and they've gathered a very loyal following over the years.  In fact, at one point, there were so many loyal Honda fans that they were building three million motorcycles every year!  While they may not be doing that much business today, they're still one of the top world-wide manufacturers.

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