Women in the Wind MC Celebrates 35 Years

Women in the WindIf you're anywhere in the vicinity of Waterville, Ohio this weekend, you might want to keep your eye out for a unique group of women converging on the town from all over the world. The women are part of a unique motorcycle club known as Women in the Wind (WITW). They're celebrating their 35th anniversary with a riding weekend that will likely put the northern Ohio town on the map for female bikers.

The motorcycle club was founded in 1979 by biker Becky Brown. Brown got the idea for the club after realizing most of her female biker friends rode on the backs of the bikes driven by their husbands or boyfriends. She decided it was time for the ladies to have their own rides. So she put an ad in the local newspaper, an ad that recruited 11 ladies for the first ride and the formation of the club.

Today, WITW is the largest motorcycle club of its kind in the world. The Toledo-based group now boasts 100 chapters and more than 1,400 members in the United States, Canada, England, and Australia. Their club emphasizes not only enjoying the open road on the back of a motorcycle, but also in doing so safely.

We really emphasize motorcycle safety'. Brown recently told the Toledo Blade. We have a national safety contest and every member gets a pin for every safe year they ride.

Like nearly every other motorcycle club, WITW also does its part to enhance local communities where chapters are located. They participate in charity rides, raising money for all sorts of good causes. It's just part of the biker lifestyle no matter where you live or the club you belong to.

Benefits of Club Membership

Clubs like WITW fill an important need among bikers. First, club membership provides the fellowship and support that makes groups of bikers feel like family. Moreover, where the bonds are strong, bikers support one another through the toughest times. One need only observe what happens when a club member falls on hard times.

Another important benefit of club membership is the idea of safety in numbers. We all know that motorcycles are difficult to see among car drivers, especially in congested areas. Traveling in larger groups mitigates most of that risk by providing a more easily recognized presence. Simply put, you are safer riding with 20 bikers then you are riding alone.

Lastly, club membership allows bikers to get involved in very worthwhile causes. Every year biker clubs across the country participate in the Toys for Tots program, and that's just one example. There are charity bike ride to benefit single individuals, groups of people, medical research, and just about everything else you can think of. Charity rides are a great way to enjoy the biker lifestyle while helping others in need.

We wish WITW the best for their 35th anniversary weekend. Here's hoping they enjoy 35 more years of biking together. If you are planning to go out this weekend, stay safe and represent well.


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