Blue Knights Do Christmas in July

Last night I had the late news on with the sound muted (I was in the middle of a conversation) when I noticed they were showing video of a group of guys entering a local hospital. I thought I recognized a Blue Knights motorcycle patch so I turned up the sound real quick. Turns out I was right. It was a story about how the Blue Knights chapter in our area decided to put on a special Christmas in July event for kids in the hospital.

Thinking about it this morning I realized there are two things to glean from what I saw. First of all, despite the fact that many biker groups have a bad name the vast majority of bikers are decent, law-abiding citizens who band together over a love for motorcycles. Oftentimes they give back to their communities through charitable events like Christmas in July. As a matter of fact, you can count on them helping out around the holidays by putting together Thanksgiving baskets or toy runs. All over the place motorcycle clubs are doing what they can to make their communities better places.

The second thing to glean comes by way of the club patches. Motorcycle clubs wear patches as a means of identifying the clubs they belong to. Once you get to know what a club's patch and colors look like it becomes easy to spot, even in the distance. That's why I was able to get just a fleeting glance of the Blue Knights patch and realize who they were.

Since I began writing these blog posts for embroidered patches I've become a student of motorcycle club colors. There's a whole bunch I could recognize with no trouble at all. And that's the point of motorcycle club patches, isn't it?

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