Cancer Sucks Patch For Breast Cancer

Cancer Sucks Patch For Breast CancerOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness month. If you do just one simple thing to fight it, you have made a difference.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer right behind skin cancer. This year over 200,000 women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Unfortunately over 40,00 women will die as a result of the disease. Age appears to be the greatest risk factor, as a women ages her chance for breast cancer increases greatly. It appears at age 40 the risk gains momentum while the highest rates are found in women 70 and older.

Although men suffer form breast cancer the ratio is 100 to 1. While the odds look good, men still need to be checked yearly as well.

If you are tall you risk is a bit higher because of the estrogen levels that are higher during growth. Over 90 percent of breast cancer are non inherited. Jewish women have the highest risk when it comes to genetic mutation. If you have history of breast cancer in your family you need to start earlier with you mammograms or ultra sounds for early detection.

There are many different reasons for the increased risk for breast cancer other than genetic make up. Mostly commonly known such as weight gain, alcohol or poor diet to name a few.

Prevention is your friend. Be sure to have your doctor check you yearly and have him refer you for screening, early detection can save your life.

Finally, what can you do to help fight this disease? Spread awareness with family and friends. Grab a friend to have a screening with you or offer to go with anyone that is hesitant or afraid. Raising even the smallest amount of money for cancer research or treatment makes a difference.

Here at The Cheap Place, we want to help! If you are sponsoring a Breast Cancer fund raiser or event please give us a call or email. We will be happy to donate breast cancer pink ribbon patches to help you raise money.


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