Contacting us through the website

We apologize for making it a little pain in the neck to get in touch with us via the contact us form on our website. We recently had to update our captcha module to stop hundreds of spams we were receiving. This is a problem many websites face nowadays, as artificial intelligence gets smarter and smarter it gets more and more difficult to stop robots from emailing us with nonsense spam mails. We fear that it's only going to get worse in the near future. I myself receive about 10 calls a day with a robot trying to sell me something. The only solution at the moment is to answer some questions where a robot might have difficulty in getting the answer correct. You can always call us and we will be happy to answer your questions. Please note we are a small family company, we may not always be available to pick up your call. We do not divert our customers to an Indian call center. Leave us a message and we will definitely give you a call back to help you out. RIDE SAFE And thank you for your understanding.
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