Here's a Patch for the Sergeant at Arms of your Club

Sgt at Arms PatchThere are many different offices that a biker club may have.  Some smaller clubs have only a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer, but many larger groups include offices like public relations officer and sergeant at arms.  The sergeant at arms is usually an honorary position, although some do have very specific duties.  If you have been elected to this office, you may want to add the Sgt At Arms Patch in Yellow to your jacket or vest so that everyone knows what rank you hold.  You'll find it in the Club Patches section on The Cheap Place.

In medieval England, the sergeant at arms was very similar to a bailiff.  He served the king as his personal royal bodyguard when the king was holding court.  He would also arrest anyone the king accursed of treason, and at one point, the king actually had a corps of sergeants at arms, although the number eventually was reduced back to only a few.  Today, many legislative bodies have a sergeant at arms.  His or her duties are mainly ceremonial.  However, the sergeant at arms does often have the authority to remove someone from a meeting if they are becoming disruptive.  For this reason, the position is often filled with someone who has experience in security or has served in the military.

While this sergeant at arms patch is done in yellow, it is also available in red or white.  The patch measures three inches across by one inch tall.  This patch can be ironed on to almost any canvas material, or it can be sewn onto leather.  If your motorcycle club plans on giving every new sergeant at arms one of these patches, you may wish to purchase wholesale biker patches so you have several on hand.

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