A Patch for Blonds Everywhere

Warning Frequent Blond Moments PatchOver in the Small Cool Patches section at The Cheap Place, I ran across a patch that would be perfect for my blond daughter. It's the Warning Frequent Blond Moments patch designed to look like a warning label you might see on a hazardous substance. It utilizes bright yellow embroidery against a black background, with yellow bars on the border for maximum effect.

This patch would be perfect for my 17-year-old, natural-blond daughter. I'm sure she wouldn't be offended if I gave her one because we laugh about blonds all the time. She's heard all the jokes, she knows all the stereotypes, and she thinks it's just as funny as the rest of us. And you know what? That makes me a happy father. Let's face it, if we can't laugh at ourselves a little bit we are destined to go through this life being miserable and angry about everything.

Sure, we sometimes laugh at blonds for being stupid. But we also laugh at NY Italians, Appalachian hillbillies, southern rednecks, and all sorts of other groups. So what? Are we so thin-skinned in America that we can't just accept who we are and enjoy it?

You can sew this patch to leather, or you can iron it to fabrics like cotton, polyester, and the like. Either way, make sure you mount it someplace where it's going to be seen easily. I'm partial to the back pocket of a pair of jeans... especially on a blond.

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