A Patch for Military Spouses

My Vet Makes me Wet PatchToday I want to focus my post on the spouses of our veterans. Let me do so by introducing to you the My Vet Makes Me Wet patch, available among the many Military Patches offered by The Cheap Place. This 3.5" x 1.5" red-on-black patch is a little crude, but the point is well taken. There are plenty of spouses of our military vets waiting anxiously at home for the arrival of their loved ones. That's probably truer this time of year than any other time.

My hat is off not only to those serving in our military, but also their husbands and wives who put up with all manner of inconvenience in order to share their spouses with the rest of the country. They are incredible individuals who deserve just as much respect and support as we give veterans themselves. Although I wouldn't recommend handing out this patch to military spouses, unless you know some of them really well, it is nonetheless a patch that expresses the sentiments of so many of these individuals.

The Cheap Place has a large selection of great military patches for veterans, current service personnel, their family members, and non-military folks who support the armed services. Everything The Cheap Place sells they have in stock, and it's all high quality stuff from the best artists and manufacturers in the business. When you're buying from The Cheap Place your getting the very best there is.

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