A Patriotic Patch for Your Back

Dont Tread on Me Snake PatchIn keeping with the theme of the last couple of days I figured I'd close out the week by talking about another new patch that would be great as a back patch. In the New Arrivals section The Cheap Place has the large Don't Tread On Me Snake patch; 12" x 8" of embroidered "don't mess with me."

In previous posts I've mentioned the history of the phrase "don't tread on me," so I won't go through it here. Needless to say it's very important to the history of our country. So if you don't belong to a club, and you're a patriotic American looking for a back patch, this isn't a bad choice. Even if you don't know what it means it's a good way to let people know you're a nice guy...until they mess with you.

Like all the patches at The Cheap Place, this one has a plastic backing that can be activated with a hot iron if you want to mount it on some sort of fabric. But if you're attaching it to leather, forget the hot iron; the plastic backing does not play well with the leather and all you'll do is ruin it. You'll have to break out the needle and thread just like Mom did back in the day.

And by the way, if you already have a back patch there's a smaller version of this patch you can place on the front of your jacket.

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