A Skull Patch With Attitude

A Skull Patch With AttitudeWe all have our days when we're miserable and just want the world to leave us alone. I was having one of those days, and while I was looking through the skull patches at The Cheap Place, I ran across one that fit my mood perfectly. If you take a look you'll find it -- it's the Shut Up And Ride skull patch. It's a simple yet very forthright patch in black-and-white that conveys what I was thinking

Sometimes I think that we in America talk too much. In the old days, when a job needed to be done, men grabbed their tools and went to work. Likewise, we used to be able to enjoy one another's company without having to talk and "share our feelings". It used to be that the boys could grab their golf clubs for a few hours of "male bonding", but now we have to talk, talk, and talk some more until we're reduced to a bunch of babbling idiots who never get anything done.

Personally, I like the Shut Up And Ride attitude. I'm into substance. I'm into results. I know there's a time for talking, but there's also time to be quiet and get busy. I know bikers don't need long discussions. They just need a full tank of gas, some open road, and no one to bother them. I think if more of us took a lesson and just enjoyed life for what it is, we'd all be happier people.

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