A Special Patch for Lady Veterans

Lady Vet PatchYou probably realize that The Cheap Place has plenty of great patches in its Military Patches section. But one in particular, the Lady Vet patch, stuck out to me this morning while I was browsing through the different selections. When I saw I thought of a young female soldier from our local area was recently killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan. In the last 10 days there have been several parades, memorial services, and other special activities to remember this brave young soldier.

More often than not, when we think of veterans we think of men. That's not a bad thing - don't get me wrong - it's just that we have a significant number of women also serving in the Armed Forces. If you're one of them, the Lady Vet patch is something that you'll need when you finally do leave the service. If you're a female veteran who's already retired this patch is waiting for you right now.

Find a place of prominence where it can be seen regularly. Whether that's a jacket, a gym bag, a sweatshirt, or whatever. But wear it with pride so that everyone knows of your service to our country. Personally, I make it a point to thank our veterans for their sacrifice whenever I see them. Perhaps if I run across you wearing this patch, I'll notice it and offer you a firm handshake and a sincere "Thank You." You deserve at least that much.

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