Embroidered Patches: How are they Made?

Have you ever wondered how embroidered patches like the ones sold on thecheapplace.com are made?  I got to find out a few years ago; read on and I'll share the story with you.  And when you're done reading, be sure to check out all the different embroidered patches found on this website.  You'll be amazed at all the great stuff thecheapplace.com has.

So anyway, I used to drive a truck delivering bottled water and coffee.  I had this one customer who I assumed just made custom t-shirts.  I would enter through the back door, duck into the office, replace the water bottles, and have the invoice signed.  Then I was back out the door and to the truck without ever looking at this guy's inventory.  But one morning I arrived to find that the owner wasn't in his office.

In an effort to find him, and began walking through his warehouse and into the production area, then eventually into the front of the store.  I found the guy filling a rack with jackets from a local sports team.  I was sure he bought those jackets from a wholesaler, but curiosity made me ask him anyway.  To my surprise, he embroidered them himself.  Noticing the amazed look on my face the offered to show me his computerized embroidery machine.

We went back to the production area where he demonstrated how he creates a digital image using computer software.  The computer is connected to his machine, so when the image was ready he just uploaded it.  The machine told him the identification numbers of the various threads he would need, which he then assembled loaded.  He grabbed a blank jacket from a box, mounted it onto the machine, and pressed a button.

That embroidery machine went to town so fast, that in just a matter of minutes the project was finished.  I asked the guy if he could do custom embroidered patches too, and he answered my question by demonstrating some he was currently working on with another machine.  Just like the patches at thecheapplace.com, this guy was creating military patches for local troops returning from Iraq.  One of the local vets organizations apparently had contracted with the company and was paying for all these patches which would be given away to the vets free of charge.

So now you know. On the commercial level, embroidered patches are made with a dedicated embroidery machine.  Some guys draw the image on a blank patch and manually operate the machine, while others use computerized embroidery machines.  Regardless of how they are made, embroidered patches make for great decoration on all sorts of clothing.

The cheapplace.com carries not only the standard military and biker patches, but also patches dedicated to specific demographics like Christians and ladies.  Dozens of saying patches mean you can convey a message to all who pass by with a simple black and white patch sewn to your jacket.  And if you're looking for a single custom patch, thecheapplace.com has blanks than you can purchase and take to your local store for embroidery.

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