If You're a Club Treasurer, You Need This Patch

Treasurer PatchThere are many different positions in a biker club.  Smaller clubs don't have as many officers, while larger groups sometimes elect officers to chair events or lead certain projects.  Most motorcycle clubs have a few common officers, such as the president, the vice-president, and the treasurer.  The treasurer's duties may vary depending on the size of the club and the type of the events they do.  This Treasurer Patch, Red Embroidery can be found in the Club Patches section, and it's almost a necessity if you hold this office.

The treasurer's main duty is to safeguard the club's treasury.  They collect dues from the members, handle paying any club bills, and make sure the group never spends more than it has.  For clubs that don't do a lot of large events, this is pretty easy.  For larger groups, this may include dealing with multiple accounts, writing checks, and keeping a detailed ledger.  They may also chair the finance committee, if the club has one.  They often set on the executive committee and are involved in most of the club's large events, especially the ones that involve spending a lot of money.

This particular version of the treasurer patch is done in red with a red boarder.  The background is black.  This patch also comes in white and yellow.  It measures 3.5 inches across by one inch wide, so it will fit perfectly on the front of your jacket.  This way, everyone who sees it will know you're a club officer and that you may be able to answer questions related to the club or to events.  If you're the club treasurer, you might want to save your club money by purchasing these patches wholesale.  That way, they will always have one for the new treasurer and will save money.

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