Ladies Can be Bikers Too -Buy Patches First

When you think of your standard-issue biker, what kind of person do you normally think of?  For me, I usually picture a big, burly guy with long hair, leather, and plenty of scars, piercings, and tattoos. I think my perception is pretty common among most people, don't you?  But did you know, there are plenty of female bikers to go along with their male counterparts?  It's true. There are lady bikers who love their Harleys  just as much as the men - and they can be just as tough too.

When it comes to biker patches, why should the men have all the fun?  At they understand that the girls want their own identity. So they've gone out of their way to make sure they have a large selection of ladies patches for them to choose from.  If you're a lady biker, you can distinguish yourself from your man with patches specifically designed to be worn on your leathers. Patches that no guy would be caught dead wearing.

My personal favorite is the Lady Rider Roses patch. It's a colorful 12x12 back patch that would stand out on any leather vest.  The green and red roses contrast very nicely against a black background, and the "Lady Rider" text is classy enough to show you're a woman without being too feminine for a biker.  It's the perfect way to say you're a lady biker and proud of it.

If being crude and suggestive is more your style, and it's not for everyone, has plenty of saying patches designed specifically for the ladies. I won't go into details with this blog, but suffice it to say that patches like the round Dine Me Wine Me and rectangular Let Go Of My Ears patches clearly convey specific messages to readers.  And by the way, the male bikers love these patches. Crude and rude is our thing!

If you're a lady who doesn't own your own bike but rides with her man, you're not left out of the patch game either. has several ladies patches that will identify your position in the club while still maintaining your womanhood.  Some of these patches also put your man on notice. The 4-inch How Do You Spell Relief Patch is a case in point. You can wear this as just a little joke between you and your man, or it can be a subtle hint of possible future intentions if he gets out of line. The choice is entirely up to you.

So to lady bikers everywhere, it's time for you to stand up and make yourself known.  It's time for you to plaster your leathers with all the patches you can find and let the whole world know you're proud to be a biker babe. And if you don't ride a Harley, you can still have the attitude by sewing some patches on your jacket; or even your purse. So do it now. Do it for women everywhere!

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