Like the Patch Says, Keep a List of Names

Forgive and Forget but keep a list of the names PatchThere's an old saying: 'forgive and forget'.  It means that you should let go of that grudge you've been holding on to, forgive whatever the person did, and move on.  While it's never easy to do, some people say it's the right thing.  Sometimes, of course, something is so big that you can't just forgive and forget it.  In that case, perhaps you should do like this patch says.  The Forgive And Forget But Keep A List Of The Names Patch hints that it's okay to forgive one incident, but you should remember who has hurt you just in case they become a repeat offender.  If so, perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to forgive the next time.  This patch is a Saying Patch on The Cheap Place.

'Forgive & Forget, but keep a list of the names'.  This is probably a very good idea for several reasons.  Sometimes, people do make huge mistakes, but they truly didn't mean to.  Forgiving them and moving on is fine and must be done if you want to keep up a healthy relationship with that person.  But sometimes people do things intentionally.  These people, for whatever reason, use others to get what they want.  We usually forgive them the first time, especially if it seems like they didn't mean to exploit us.  But the second time looks a bit suspicious, and if it's done a third time, well, then it may be time to stop forgetting and start asking yourself if you really want this person in your life.

This patch measures 4 by 1.50 inches and is embroidered.  You can iron it on to most clothing or sew it on to leather.

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