My New Favorite Patch

dont piss me off patchThey've got a lot of cool stuff at The Cheap Place, but tonight I think I may have just found my new favorite patch in the 2nd Amendment section. It's big, it's bad, and it's ugly. It is none other than the Don't Piss Me Off patch; complete with the barrel of a revolver staring you in the face. I love it! Sew this on the front of your vest then watch the reaction. I'm sure you'll at least get a few dirty looks.

I know, publicly saying I love this patch could get me branded as a right-wing, gun-toting wacko. But hey, it takes all kinds!

Seriously, I do support 2nd Amendment gun rights and I am a licensed handgun owner. But like most of my 2nd Amendment brethren, I also believe in the rule of law. I don't go around threatening to shoot people or randomly pulling the trigger. On the other hand, if you come into my house in the middle of the night... well... this patch of says it all. I will protect myself and my family at your expense.

This patch is a great way to show your support for gun rights and tweak those who don't. You can put it on your leathers, a jean jacket, one of your gun bags, or just about anyplace else you find some empty space. You could even get some super glue and stick it to the back window of your pickup truck. That would really tweak 'em!

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