Need Many Small Biker Patches?

Small Biker PatchesIf you're a patch re-seller or if you need a large number of patches at once, there's an easier way than going through all the patches on The Cheap Place and ordering a number of them.  Instead, look in their Bulk Patches area.  Here, you'll find a number of different package options that give you a nice assortment of patches.  The Biker Patch Assortment includes 33 different embroidered biker patches.  By buying them in bulk like this, you save a good amount of money per patch, plus you save time by ordering one item instead of 33 separate ones.

Buying the Biker Patch Assortment nets you 33 saying, skull, and eagle patches.  If you look at this assortment on The Cheap Place, you'll see a good idea of which patches you'll get when you order it.  Of course, these patches are subject to availability.  However, even if one isn't available, you'll get a similar one.  As you'll be able to see, you'll get a very good variety.  Some of the sayings patches, for example, are fully, while others are about riding.  You'll get everything from a 'Nipple Freak' and 'Sex Pig' patch to an eagle with golden wings and a 'Live to Ride, Ride to Live' patch.

You might think this package isn't really for you if you don't re-sell patches.  However, there's a lot you can do with an assortment of patches.  For example, if your motorcycle club is hosting an event, you might want to give away patches as prizes or in a raffle.  You and several biker buddies could also go in together and split the assortment to save money.

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