Rock the State of Maine with a Maine Rocker Patch

Maine PatchAre you from the northeastern state of Maine, the northernmost and easternmost portion of the U.S. (not counting Alaska, of course).  If you're from this great state, celebrate it by adding a Maine Patch to the sleeve of your jacket.  These State Rocker Patches proudly display the name of your home state in big, plain white letters on a black background.  Bikers who grew up in Maine won't want to miss having one of these patches.

Maine is known for its amazing scenery, from its forests to its rolling mountains to its rocky coastline.  It's also known for seafood, especially its delicious clams and lobsters.  But before the Pine Tree State became known for anything, it was the home to a number of Native American tribes.  The Europeans first encountered these natives in 1604, when the French formed a settlement on Saint Croix Island.  The English later settled the area, and by the 1620s, Maine was home to a number of thriving towns.  Following the American Revolution, the area was considered a part of the state of Massachusetts, but in 1820, its citizens decided to secede and form their own state.  Maine was admitted to the Union in 1820 as a part of the Missouri Compromise, making it the 23rd state.

Maine has a lot of different gorgeous state parks to visit, including the Acadia National Park, which is actually the only designated national park in New England.  However, there's also the Roosevelt Campobello International Park, the Saint Croix Island International Historic Site, and the Appalachian National Scenic Trail you can explore.  These areas are especially amazing in the fall, when the leaves are turning.  Ride through Maine for a really unique experience!

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