Rocker Patches for Our Vets

Afghan War Vet Rocker Patch with FlagsFor today's post I chose the Afghan War Vet Rocker Patch With Flags found in the Military Patches section of this website. I did so for a couple of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that I have great respect for the military and believe it's important to honor our veterans. If you're a veteran of the Afghan war this is a great rocker patch to sew to your leather jacket or your military flak jacket after your discharge. If you're a vet from one of our previous wars The Cheap Place also has rockers for Iraq, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and so on.

The second reason I chose it lies is because we've been highlighting wholesale patches all week. If you buy patches for wholesale in order to resell them at festivals and bike rallies, these rockers are great items. With a wholesale account you can get these patches at a reduced rate from The Cheap Place, and in combination with a collection of their other military patches, you could have an entire military selection that would do extremely well.

All of the patches from The Cheap Place are high quality-pieces with die cut borders, a heat activated backing, and excellent embroidery. You'll be proud to sell these patches - or even wear them yourself. In fact, there's no greater advertisement then sewing them to your own clothing. Do it right and you will probably increase your sales right away.

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