The Handy Man's Secret Patch

Silence Is Golden Duck Tape Is Silver PatchHave you ever heard the phrase that duct tape is the handyman's secret weapon? I love that saying because it's so true, and that's why I found today's patch so much fun. It's in the IT-Patches section, and it's the Silence is Golden Duck Tape is Silver patch. It's kind of a fun way to tell other people to just shut up because you don't feel like talking. Not that we would actually say that to someone, but it's kind of funny.

This patch would be ideal for a family that rides together. I'm talking husband, wife, and kids all heading down the road on the way to Sturgis or Daytona. It's bad enough in a car when the kids are asking, "are we there yet?", but it's 10 times worse on motorcycle. So just attach this patch to the back of your jacket so Junior can read it for the entire trip. One thought of that tape covering his tender little lips and he wouldn't dare to ask you how much longer!

Anyway, it's a 4" patch that would fit just about anywhere on your vest or jacket. The iron on backing means you could attach it to denim or some other fabric using only a hot iron. It would also go good on a baseball cap, backpack, or just about anywhere else you have open space. And even if you don't have a family ride with, there might be someone in your biker club who could use the same warning!

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