The Silver Dragon Patch Fits all Occasions

Dragon PatchThe stark silver contrast of the dragon against the black circle is one that calls attention to this daring Dragon Patch - Small - that harkens back to many Asian traditions and painting customs.  This Wild Animal Patch is not very large, it is only three inches by three inches, but because of this, it's very versatile and works for any number of occasions.  The twill patch is classic and simplistic in its design, but is appealing to so many people.

For example, if you wanted to have a Halloween costume that featured one of the main characters from the video game Mortal Kombat, this design is perfect because it resembles the main logo used in that video game franchise.  If you were to add this patch to your costume, it would be that additional extra item that would make the costume instantly recognizable.

Or, if you're not interested in using it for Halloween, but still like the patch, you could put it on a number of different clothing items like shirts, hats, jackets, or even cloth shopping bags.  It could easily show others how much you enjoy both dragons and Asian culture.  The dragon is a simplistic design, but it almost appears as if he is smiling with his tongue hanging out.

The patch is coated on the back with a heat activated adhesive so it can easily be ironed on.  Some people prefer to sew it on, especially if they're putting it on a leather item. If you don't know how to use a sewing machine, this isn't a problem, either, as it's easy to stitch the patch on by hand simply by going around the black die cut border that outlines the entire patch.

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