This Patch Is Not Politically Correct

Homosexuals are gay PatchI risk big trouble for today's post, but since this week is dedicated to funny saying patches I'm willing to take the risk. For today's post I browsed the Funny Patches section until I ran across the Homosexuals Are Gay patch. As soon as I saw it I started laughing so hard I cried. If you don't know why, you probably were born prior to 1960 or after 1980. For those of us born in that 20 year span, the saying on this patch is something we used to loudly proclaim in the school bathrooms, on the playground, and anywhere else we thought appropriate.

I know, this patch is politically incorrect in this day and age of not hurting anyone's feelings. But c'mon, can't we laugh at ourselves every now and again? I've heard it said that laughter is good medicine and I believe it. People who can't laugh at who or what they are tend to be the most miserable people on the planet.

This patch is just funny. It's not intended to hurt feelings or make anyone feel inadequate; it's simply a play on words that's funny. So... if you want to take a chance at inciting a riot, get one of these patches and proudly display it on your jacket or shirt. Some people are gonna love it; some people are gonna hate it. But that's the beauty of funny saying patches. You never know what kind of reaction you're going to get.

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