A Military Patch That Says It All

Duty Honor Country PatchThe Cheap Place has a couple of new patches in their Military Patches section, not the least of which is the white and black Duty Honor Country patch. Of all the military patches I've seen I think this one best reflects the mindset of our men and women in uniform. I've never served myself, due to medical reasons, but I've had friends and family members who have. And almost universally they portray the attitude of duty, honor, and country.

Veterans Day is coming up on November 11 and this patch would make a great way to honor our soldiers. Unfortunately Veterans Day doesn't get the same play that Memorial Day and July 4th get - but it's still just important. Our military veterans deserve to be honored and remembered for their sacrifices for our country. So if you don't normally observe it this is a good year to start. Fly your flag on November 11 and be sure to thank the veterans you might see on that day.

If you want to go the extra mile, buy a dozen or so of these patches and hand them out to veterans who might be collecting donations at your local department store. You would certainly put a smile on their face and encourage them that they have not been forgotten. The patches are fairly inexpensive and The Cheap Place will throw in free shipping if you order more than $10 worth.

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