A Patch for Peace

peace US flag PatchWhile browsing through the Patriotic Patches section at The Cheap Place, I ran across the Peace US Flag patch. I was struck because it sort of reminded me of something I would've seen in the late 60s and early 70s, during the Vietnam War. Peace symbols were very common back then. People would draw them on their shirts, include them on protest signs, and even paint them on the sides of buildings. It was an era when the peace symbol was extremely important to a lot of people.

I once owned an Army field jacket given to me by a Vietnam vet. He had drawn a beautiful landscape image on the back of it, complete with rice paddies and a sunset; just underneath the landscape was a peace symbol. It was actually quite breathtaking. Like many Vietnam vets, my friend wanted nothing more during his time overseas than to see peace prevail so he and his buddies could come home.

I no longer have that jacket. But if I did, it would be a prime candidate for the Peace US Flag patch. I might sew it right next to the peace symbol my friend drew, or perhaps I would sew it on a shoulder or the front. Either way, it certainly would fit the part. If you're ex-military with combat experience, the peace symbol might be something important to you as well. If so, this patch is a perfect fit for your old field jacket.

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