Annie Get Your Gun... or Your Patch!

Out of Estrogen and I have a gun patchDo you like funny saying patches? I know I do. So as I was browsing through the funny patches today when I saw one that made me smile - the Out Of Estrogen And I Have A Gun patch. I thought it was kind of funny specifically because I was on a shooting range yesterday with a whole bunch of guys and two females. While we men stepped up to the firing line with all the bravado and gusto in the world, we missed our targets with the regularity of a box of Ex-Lax. The ladies on the other hand, were consistently hitting one target after another.

Being that one of the ladies was my daughter, I was duly impressed. So when I saw this patch I thought of her. She's already deadly accurate with a gun but, like the patch says; if she were out of estrogen she would be that much more dangerous. By the way, she was especially accurate with a muzzle-loaded rifle and a high-powered scope. My personal favorite was the .357 Magnum with the extra long barrel - just like the one in the dirty Harry movies. But for some reason I kept shooting the dirt. But that's beside the point.

This black and red patch is a 4" x 1.5" rectangle with a little extra piece at the top shaped like a gun. Its unusual look means it'll capture anyone's attention as they walk by. Just make sure you mount it someplace where it will be seen by lots of people. I'm thinking a baseball hat, a bandanna, the back pocket of a pair of jeans, etc. If you live in a state that allows open carrying of handguns, throw one on your hip just for added effect.

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