Take a Look at the New Crashing Sucks Patch

Crashing Sucks Patch Large WingsFrom artist Arturo Vilmenay comes the topic of today's post, the Crashing Sucks Large Wings patch. Though it's listed with the new patches it's also found in the Biker Patches category. The larger version of this one measures 12" x 3.5"; a smaller version is also available if you're interested. What I like about this one is the fact that it's large without necessarily demanding all of your attention.

It's more or less designed to be worn on the back, but because it's only 3.5" wide you probably wouldn't sew this to your leather jacket as your main patch. But The Cheap Place has a picture of one sewn along the bottom of border of a leather vest - that seems like the perfect place. Above it you could put a rocker and your main back patch. The subdued color scheme Vilmenay uses here makes it stand out just enough to be noticed without becoming the focal point.

If you like this patch and think others who would too, consider opening an account with The Cheap Place to get wholesale patches at a reduced rate. Buying patches for wholesale purposes is a good way for you to make a little extra money. You can sell them to friends, take them with you to biker rallies, or set up a little table at your local public market. All of the patches at the cheap Place are high quality pieces you'll absolutely love.

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