The Nostalgic 8 Ball Patch

8 Ball PatchIn the Biker Patches section you might be interested to know that The Cheap Place carries a very nostalgic piece they've named the 8 Ball patch. It's a simple 3" black circle with a black-on-white number "8" near the top. It looks a lot like the old Magic 8 Ball toys we used to play with as teenagers. The nostalgia of this patch is one of the reasons why I think it's so cool. Wearing it might date me, but what do I care?

Do you remember the strange days of the '70s when every American teen had a Magic 8 Ball or a Ouija board? We used to hide in our bedrooms at night, lights off, seeking hidden messages from the spirit world. In reality the Magic 8 Ball was nothing more than a plastic globe filled with purplish liquid and a rotating cube with inane the messages. We would ask the ball a question, shake it up a bit, and then turn it over to see what message appeared in the window.

This patch would probably go very well on black leather or a fabric of contrasting color - say faded blue jeans or a white t-shirt. If you have a collection of 1970s memorabilia, that might also be a good spot for it. You'll find that it's easy to attach to most fabrics with the heat-activated glue on the back - just the touch of a hot iron and you're good to go.

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