This Patch Will Keep 'Em Burning

I Smoke Cigars Just To Piss You Off PatchI was browsing through the Funny Patches at The Cheap Place when I ran across the I Smoke Cigars Just To Piss You Off patch. Suddenly, without warning, I had a brilliant idea. This idea is so good that I'm surprised I didn't have earlier. It's for those of you who smoke and really do want to piss people off. My idea makes it possible to accomplish both of your goals without restriction, whenever you're in public places. So what is my idea?

Electronic cigars.

I'm sure you've heard of electronic cigarettes by now. These devices deliver nicotine through a special liquid and a device that transforms that liquid into a harmless vapor. They've been on the market for quite a number of years and they're really gaining popularity. But now, you can also get e-cigars and e-pipes. Best of all, they can be used legally in any public place because they don't put off any smoke, tar, or carcinogens.

So now, what you need is an e-cigar and one of these patches. Sew the patch to your jacket or iron it to a T-shirt, and then puff on your electronic cigar to your heart's content. It's fun to watch the misinformed panic when they think you're smoking in public. When you take the time to show them and explain your electronic cigar, you can also show them the patch on your jacket and watch them walk away ready to boil over. It's a hoot!

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